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Global Buzz Report: April 2017

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ICAI Board Report:

Greetings from Guatemala, heart of Maya world!

At our board meeting on March 24th. we had a little difficulty in communicating with all of the members at first due to technology problems. However, it was eventually sorted out, and we all became connected to form a close working group.

I would like to share some highlights of activities taking place on two continents.
Asia has been very active, Nepal had a ceremony inaugurating the renovation of the Community Learning Center.
Cote D´ivore had an evaluation of their chicken and agroforestry projects.
Bill Staples from Canada was in Japan for 9 days teaching facilitation courses.
From the 23rd. of March to the 1st of April. India ran training sessions, on economic development, for several NGOs.
In the Americas, the USA is continuing with the archive project. While Latin America has decided that it must shift from international and government, to corporate funding; so it is now preparing to contact companies to finance community work.

Our next general assembly meeting will be held on July 18th, so please schedule this date on your agendas. We will let you know the time for the different time zones.

Lisseth Lorenzo
Skype: lissethl


The ICA Bangladesh team is excited to welcome and meet John Miller from ICA Associates Canada. John is arriving in Dhaka on April 17th. He will teach Technology of Participation (ToP) for the UN OPS in Dhaka. ICA Bangladesh team is planning to have a session on ToP taught by John on April 22nd.

Aziz participated in “At the heart of human rights is human dignity” conference held on March 21st- 22nd 2017 in Winnipeg. Different presentations included several cross-cutting contemporary issues like immigration, refugees, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, hate speech and racial bias against minorities including indigenous peoples. Aziz served at three Conversation Cafés as co-facilitator on Day 1 and at three Conversation Cafés as facilitator on Day 2. Aziz used his facilitation skills at those events.

On March 25, Aziz attended the "Symposium on Resilience and Capacity Enhancement" held on March 25, 2017 in Winnipeg. He also presented a paper entitled "Contemporary Violence against Refugees and Implications for Resiliency, Empowerment, and Community building in Canada". Aziz had some conversations with individuals from the audience, including university profs, grad students, and NGO reps, and shared about ICA and partnership in the future.

Aziz had a conversation with the Executive Director, Ms. Janice Hamilton, of the Manitoba Council for International Cooperation (MCIC) and discussed a possible partnership between MCIC and ICA Bangladesh. Aziz shared other interests and past projects of ICA Bangladesh, and Janice suggested the community solidarity fund for which ICA can apply with a Canadian partner. Aziz is attending an Orientation session for the Community Solidarity Fund on April at MCIC.

Aurangajeb and Shakawat facilitated a session with the Dhaka team, and had some brainstorming sessions for action planning for 2017. The Chandpur team, including Alam and Elias, visited the Ghoramara community, to discuss the ICA Ghoaramara Community School with the villagers.

Aziz            aziz.uoft@gmail.com


The third well open for the community of Dedomey

After the villages of Dodja and Adjago, we are pleased to announce that the new well of Dédomey in the district of Kpomassè is available for community’s use.

Mr Landon McBrayer, Executive Director of Well Water Global visited all these wells. During his visit our staff benefited from a training session on integrated water management . So now we are able to conduct such initiatives within communities where wells have been built in order to sustain these infrastructures.

Kassimou Issotina           lambassaica@yahoo.fr


English below

Dans ce mois, nous avons date du 09 mars 2017 fini le projet année 2 en beauté puisque notre collègue Ange KOUKOUA nous gratifié de l’accouchement d’un joli petit garçon en présence de Madame Sato Shizuyo Directrice Exécutive de ICA Japon.

En date du 10 mars 2017 nous avons entamé le projet année 3 avec la joie des bonnes nouvelles que la Directrice de ICA Japon venait de nous partager, à savoir l’achat d’un camion pour le ramassage des productions de nos bénéficiaires.

Etant donné que les activités ne se sont pas arrêtées à proprement dit, nous avons reçu les poussins dans 9 villages pour la période de la fête de pâques qui aura lieu le 16 avril 2017. C’est une occasion pour nous bénéficiaires de vendre le plus facilement possible leurs poulets. La production des œufs dans les deux fermes de poules pondeuses  est en pleine croissance, ce qui nous permet d’enregistrer 15 plateaux de 30 œufs soit 450 par jour par ferme.

En agroforesterie les femmes de Bonikro ont malgré toutes les difficultés fait un petit champ de manioc pour l’année deux. Leur présidente Agathe Boni  a signifiée que pour  cette troisième année leur groupe va  faire un champ plus grand cela parce que les travaux dans la culture de manioc sont moins contraignant et que cette culture rapport aussi bien que la culture maraîchère.

Pour cette nouvelle année un nouveau groupe de femme à Aboudé Dadié a décidé de reprendre le volet culture maraîchère pour ne pas que leur village soit oublié dans le projet maraîcher.

Sur le volet de la formation les activités de sensibilisation et d’installation des Comités de Développement Communautaire (CDC) se poursuivent dans tous les 11 villages du projet.

Les programme de mise en place des nouvelles cultures en maraîcher et en Agroforesterie sont distribué aux bénéficiaires ce qui va permettre aux encadreurs de faire un bon suivi des activités de terrains en cette troisième année. Au niveau du programme d’élevage les activités de la réhabilitation des fermes est totalement fini et les villages se préparent au démarrage des travaux.

Nous notons également que cette année3 nous allons recevoir la visite d’éminent expert du Japon pour nous accompagner dans la réussite de ce grand projet qui est venu donné un appui important au programme de réinsertion des jeunes dans notre pays.

As of March 09 2017,
we finished project year 2 with delight, since our colleague Ange Koukoua delivered a pretty little boy for us in the presence of Mrs. Sato Shizuyo Executive Director of ICA Japan.

As of March 10, we started the Year 3 project, with the very good news, that the Director of ICA Japan shared with us, namely, the purchase of a truck for the collection of the produce of our beneficiaries.

The project activities of course had continued throughout, and we received chicks from 9 villages for the Easter celebrations. The celebrations will take place on April 16. This is an excellent opportunity for our beneficiaries to sell most of their chickens. The production of eggs from the two farms of laying hens is going very well too, allowing us to record 15 trays of 30 eggs or 450 per day per farm.

In agroforestry, the women of Bonikro have, in spite of all the difficulties, made a small field of manioc for the year 2. Their president, Agathe Boni, has said that in their 3rd year, the group will be able to enlarge the field because the work in cassava culture is less constraining.

For this new year, a new women's group in Aboudé Dadié, has decided to take over the market gardening sector so that their village is not forgotten in the market gardening project.

As far as the training component, of the awareness-raising and installation activities of the Community Development Committees (CDC) is concerned, all is going well in the 11 villages connected with the project.

The programs for the establishment of new vegetable and agroforestry crops have already been distributed to the beneficiaries, which will enable the supervisors to follow up the activities on the land in this third year. For the breeding program, the rehabilitation of the farms are completely finished, and the villages are now prepared to start the new work.

Also of note, is that during this year 3, we will have a visit from a distinguished expert from Japan, to accompany us while we view the success of this great project, which has given important support for the reintegration of young people in our country.

Kouame Konan         konaneug@gmail.com


The end of this month is actually the end of the Nepali Year and with April, a new year starts: 2074, according to our calendar. Thus in this issue of the Global Buzz, we want to give a short summery to highlight the major works that ICA Nepal carried out in the last year.

Project “Renovation of the Community Learning Center for vulnerable people of disaster in Changunarayan Nepal”

- Renovation of community learning Center in Nepal done
- Low cost Sanitary napkins produced by local women group
- Children and Elderly group provided with a series of recovery programs
- Playground constructed for children
- Learning Center inauguration by the Former Prime Minister of Nepal

Project: Strengthening Livelihood in the Far and Mid West Region of Nepal

- Facilitative Leadership Development Training conducted
- Training on the Strengthening of local NGOs and Civil Societies
- Interaction among political parties
- Human Rights defenders developed
- Income generation activities

Project: Women's Empowerment and Drinking water management in Thuloparsel

- Income generation training for women
- Cash crops supported
- Drinking water facilities installed

Project for Economy

- Recycled Jewelry products, from the remains of the Earthquake.

Fundraising for Distributing Sanitary napkins for Schools

NPR 140,000 raised for sanitary napkins distribution. Fundraising campaign for sanitary napkins incinerators ongoing.

Prepared by
Pritha Khanal          pritha_khanal@yahoo.com



From March 5 – 18, 2017 Hannah was part of the eleven-man team that did the evaluation of the Project “Strengthening Capacity and Advocacy Initiatives for Sustainable Development in Nigerian Communities”, from 2014-2016.

The Christian Rural and Urban Development Association of Nigeria (CRUDAN) is a Christian, non-profit, Non-Governmental Organization. It is a membership organization that has as its members - Churches, Christian Organizations, and individuals that are engaged or interested in development work in Nigeria. It’s main goal is promoting the growth of the Church in Nigeria by assisting her rural and urban development work that is part of her witness. CRUDAN serves the church all over Nigeria in holistic development work.

The evaluation was done in three out of six zones and the Evaluators were divided into three groups, with each team handling a zone. Hannah led the team that visited the CRUDAN member organizations in the five states of the South West Zone.

The evaluation revealed a lot about CRUDAN’s impact on the lives of the people and organizations they empower through capacity building programmes.

The Evaluation team having a discussion before the fieldwork
Members of the Catholic Life Centre, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State
Hannah and Tony interviewing members
Anglican Diocese of Ekiti West , Ijero, Ekiti State being interviewed 
Community members being interviewed on the activities of a member organization in Ijero, Ekiti State
Wives of the Oba and the Evaluation team at Ijero

Our Schools’ programme this year is geared towards educating children of primary schools in developing the four areas of human life i.e. physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. Children of Mepol Primary School, Ojodu, Lagos, Nigeria are the first to benefit from the program. We meet with them every Friday for an hour.

The first Board Meeting of the organization was held on March 24, 2017 with five (5) out of six members in attendance. We had fruitful deliberations with decisions made on critical issues affecting the organization. A Board development workshop will held at our next meeting .

Hannah         epdi2008@yahoo.com



National Cheng Kung University Social Design department is co-facilitating with our ICA colleagues about Community Development Project preparation taking Evelyn, Larry, Arthur, Jessie, Eric, Cristance and Justina to Tainan to work with Yahui Fang. Three more sessions in the credit course: Transformative Scenario, Community Based Planning, Action Planning and Core Formation

“Courage to Lead” book study going strong every two weeks in face to face on-going program as well as “Truth About Life” monthly engaging meaningful topics. Have had 3 studies so far and are up to Chapter 4.

Colliquitt, Georgia: Building Creative Communities Conference had two parts: Social Artistry Introduction and SA Advanced Leadership Intensive, and in the middle training with Richard Geer on Story Bridge, like Swamp Gravy, or Scrap Metal Soul. Evelyn stayed for all three programs from January to February.

Agile Facilitative Leadership Course is the new program on our horizon. Tech companies take the Agile course and want to know how to facilitate Agile. Two organizations have been taking public and internal courses for the last two years on ToP and now we are developing a specific course series for becoming facilitative leaders.

ICA Certified ToP Facilitator Program is being offered this year by ICA Taiwan to Greater China and Asia. See calendar below

GFM 1 and 2 were both large programs of 30 or more with Frieda Lin, Larry Philbrook, and Eric Tseng co-training.

Peer to Peer:
-ICA Taiwan supports and mentors ICA Paris to become ICA Associate Member.
-ICA Associates/Canada & Taiwan plus others are working on new course
-Professional Client Collaboration
-ICA Canada is supporting the Courage to Lead Program globally
-Larry has hosted monthly ICA Asia Regional internet conversation
-Working with ORP and others toward the end year program CTF and ToP Trainers program

What is the form of ICA we want to see continue in history?

Courses and Conferences:
All dates 2017  
April 15-16 Participatory Strategic Planning
May 6-7 Agile Facilitative Leadership
May 20 -21 Open Space Learning Workshop Conference
June 3 – 4 Dialogue Course
June 10-11 Professional Client Collaboration Course
July 15-16 Imaginal Learning for Facilitators Course
August 17-20 IAF Asia in Seoul, Korea Conference
October 12-15 IAF Europe Conference in Paris, France
October 25-31 Asia Regional Meeting in Thailand
November 18-19 Spirit of Facilitation
December 9-10 Certified Technology of Participation Facilitator
December 11 Open Space: Exploration on Facilitation in Asia
December 12-13 ICA Values
December 14 Image Change for Trainers
December 15-16 Training of Trainers

Evelyn Philbrook           joyful52@gmail.com


Dear Colleagues,

Attached is the Archives 2017 Spring Sojourn Report.

As the report indicates our work focused on the design of the new Global Archives Website www.mittleman.org/archives2 and the design of the Band of 24 HDP 40 year anniversary event in the Fall of 2017. Ten projects were selected to focus on for the celebration based on criteria as indicated in the report. We would love to hear your HDP stories and updates. Send your suggestions or contributions to Mary Laura Jones: mljones2022@gmail.com.

The report also includes links to youtube videos of the morning collegiums led by Jack Gillies and the brainstorm planning session on the HDP celebration event.

On Behalf of the Archives Advisory Council

Doug Druckenmiller

Please see report PDF Here


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