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Global Buzz Report: April 2019

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ICAI Board Report:

Dear all
As a board we have identified that we need to communicate more and better, that is why we want to effectively use our resources. One of these is Global Buzz, also Winds and Waves, the ICAI web site and regional communication among ICA´s. Our new Vice President of Communications is Eric Tseng from ICA Taiwan his email is. erictgaudi@gmail.com in case you want to communicate with him.

We also want to thank  Peter Ellins, who gives us support monthly with the Global Buzz, and the Winds & Waves team, Robyn, Dharma, Roma, Rosemary, Isabel, Peter; and  our web master, Martin Gilbraith. All of them do an incredible job so that we are aware of what is happening in the ICA network.


Lisseth Lorenzo           lissethlorenzo@gmail.com
ICAI President

The new Winds and Waves magazine

We are delighted to invite you to share your stories
via medium.com/winds-and-waves which is the public platform
we have moved to now, to publish Winds & Waves.
Please see the attachment which sets out how you can now
personally publish your stories for Winds and Waves magazine.

See here W&W@Medium PDF



English translation below

 Le mois de mars 2019 a été consacré à la reprise des activités du nouveau projet année 4 financé par le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères du Japon (MOFA) à travers ICA-Japon. Ce nouveau projet dénommé « Créer une agriculture durable et réduire la pauvreté grâce à une agriculture à circulation de ressources qui relie l’élevage et la culture à Agboville ».

Le projet qui est une continuité de celui entamé depuis 2015, prendra en compte les 11 villages bénéficiaires. A cet effet des courriers d’information ont été envoyé aux différents chefs de villages pour les informer du démarrage effectif du projet.

A son arrivé du Japon le 5 Mars 2019, le coordinateur Japonais Yusuke Takashi a été accueilli par le directeur Exécutif de ICA-CI Monsieur Kouamé Eugène. La rencontre avec le staff a eu lieu le lendemain de son arrivée à Agboville. Pendant cette rencontre les points abordés ont été les suivants : * les civilités à travers lesquels, Monsieur Yusuke a fait connaissance avec le staff de ICA-CI et a été baptisé du nom de Kouadio correspondant au jour de son arrivé en Côte d’Ivoire sur sa demande.

* le budget du projet année 4
* la programmation des visites terrain

Concernant la programmation des visites terrains, les techniciens et les 2 coordinateurs ont effectué les visites dans les 11 villages du projet. Ainsi donc ils ont pu évaluer l’état d’avancement des différentes activités que sont l’élevage, l’agroforesterie et la culture maraichère un an après la fin du projet de la troisième année. N’gorankro est l’un des 11 villages qui a fait une bonne pérennisation de toutes les activités du projet à savoir plus de 1000 poulets sont en l’élevage.

Pour l’élevage avicole avant la réception des œufs en provenance du Japon, le technicien a mis sous tension les incubateurs qui vont servir à produire les poussins pour accompagner les bénéficiaires dans leur autonomisation économique.

La fabrication du compost est utilisée pour l’apport en  fertilisant des plants de palmier, d’oranger, de moringa et aussi pour la culture maraîchère par les bénéficiaires.

Ce village a été à l’unanimité retenu comme le meilleur village que Madame Shizuyo Sato, Directrice Exécutive de ICA-Japon lors de son séjour au mois d’Avril aura à visiter

Click pictures to enlarge

The month of March 2019 was devoted to the resumption of activities of the new year 4 project, funded by the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) through ICA-Japan. This new project called "Creating sustainable agriculture and reducing poverty through a resource-based agriculture that links livestock and culture in Agboville".

The project, which is a continuation of the one started in 2015, will take into account the 11 beneficiary villages. For this purpose, information letters were sent to the various village chiefs to inform them of the effective start of the project.

Upon his arrival from Japan on March 5, 2019, the Japanese coordinator, Yusuke Takashi , was welcomed by the Executive Director of ICA-CI Mr. Kouamé Eugène. The meeting with the staff took place the day after his arrival in Agboville. During this meeting the points addressed were the following: * the courtesies through which, Mr. Yusuke met the staff of ICA-CI and was named after Kouadio corresponding to the day of his arrival in Côte d'Ivoire at his request.

* the project budget year 4
* programming field visits

Concerning the programming of the field visits, the technicians and the 2 coordinators carried out the visits in the 11 villages of the project. Thus they were able to evaluate the progress of the various activities that are: the livestock, agroforestry and market gardening, one year after the end of the project of the third year. N'gorankro is one of the villages that has made a good sustainability of all activities of the project, namely: more than 1000 chickens are in breeding.

For poultry farming, before receiving the eggs from Japan, the technician put the incubators that will be used to produce the chicks to help the beneficiaries in their economic empowerment.

The manufacture of compost is used for the fertilizer supply of palm, orange and moringa plants and also for market gardening by the beneficiaries.

This village was unanimously selected as the best village that Mrs. Shizuyo Sato, Executive Director of ICA-Japan, will have to visit, during her stay in April .

Kouame Konan         konaneug@gmail.com


Our Former Chairperson, Prof. Dr. Tatwa P. Timsina’s new book entitled “Abridging KO brigand rabid Ra innovation” was out in the market in March. Dr. Timsina discusses the importance of innovation and technology in the development of the nation and community. Development is possible through regular learning and sharing.

As per our commitment to distribute 500 copies of Compassionate Civilization Nepali edition, by Prof. Robertson Work, we successfully distributed 249 book to Nepali political leaders in March. For this work, we are coordinating with Mr. Khem Prasad Lohani, province no. 3 member. Mr. Lohani was a former participant of ICA Nepal’s training and facilitation programs.

Community Training Center at Sindhupalchowk
ICA Nepal, in coordination with ICA Japan and RYPCF is constructing a Community Training Center in Sindhupalchowk district. The Community Training Center is almost complete. Project team, Dr. Tatwa P. Timsina along with construction team construction supervisor, Mr. Bal Krishna Shrestha, and Mr. Arjun Dahal, carried out a monitoring visit. During this monitoring visit, the seven member community training center management committee was formed. The management committee will be responsible for overall management of the Community Training Center, after the completion of the project.

A three day, leadership capacity building training program, for the Management Committee of the Community Training Center, was conducted from 28 March to 30 March, 2019. The training was facilitated by Atma Ram Timsina and Tara Prasad Gautam. The training focused on essential tools and methods for running the community training center smoothly and effectively using available local resources.

A seven day training program on, vermi-compost, was also initiated in March, 2019, with the objective to support the local farmers in the making of vermi compost locally. Agriculture expert Mr. Nawraj Gurung facilitated the session.

Ishu Subba           subbaishu@gmail.com
ICA Nepal




February 28, 2019 was a colourful and memorable day at the Civic Centre, Ozumba Mbadiwe Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, venue of the Lagos Roundtable Event for the Anti-Substance Abuse Project organized by MTNASAP FOUNDATION with a slogan #Drug Abuse is One Chance Bus.

#ASAP is a multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral initiative focused on advocacy, awareness creation and education for behaviour change aimed at discouraging first-time use and dependency on drugs and harmful substances.

The state-wide conference was convened to discuss opportunities and jointly commit to a multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral platform for collaboration and impact. All core and sub-stakeholder groups including NGOs, Secondary Schools, various regulatory and policy-making institutions and experts actively working in the substance use ecosystem were in attendance.

One of the highlights at the event was a movie presentation which enlightened participants on the dangers of drug and substance. The movie was well put together and stakeholders donated towards the project. ‘Say No to Drugs Abuse’ is everyone’s responsibility beginning from home i.e. the Family, Church, Community leaders and the government.

There was a road walk on March 2, 2019 from Ndubuisi park Alausa to Allen Round About, Ikeja for the purpose of creating awareness on the street and on social media

EPDI Representatives at the
February 28 event

Lovelyn – R (EPDI) and the Executive Director
of MTN Foundation

Lovelyn (EPDI) and other participants during
the Road walk


Started discussion on the above theme with this set of students. The essence of this program is to equip the students with knowledge and skills that will enable them develop and release their potentials for a purposeful and fulfilling lives.

We had two meetings where we introduced EPDI as an NGO and the objectives of the program with them, definition of life skills and sexuality, three stages of a human being and characteristics of the adolescent stage the students are in and changes (development) taking place in them – spiritual, physical, mental/moral and social/emotional development.

We treated “Life is an Adventure” in the second meeting comparing adolescence to a journey one has never gone before and the need for proper preparation, the right tools/techniques/skills and the right guide for clear and right directions that will lead them to have fulfilling lives.

A total of eighty-five students (27 males and 58 female) attended the first meeting while fifty (50) were present in the second meeting.

We visited the school twice also this term and treated two topics namely: Love and Chastity. The essence of these topics is to enable the children know what genuine love is and be able to walk in love and show love to one another; to decipher between true/genuine love and lust, and to keep themselves from being defiled or molested by paedophiles. They were also reminded of the MAIN rules we discussed previously. It was quite encouraging that many of them still remember what they are.

Cross section of the teachers

We shall resume in April when the schools resume from Easter break.

Hannah Anighoro            epdi2008@yahoo.com


ICA and Ukrainian women in the UN

Two-week visit to the USA of the delegation of Ukrainian women to the 63rd session of the UN Commission on Women’s Affairs (March 9-22, 2019). It was a real marathon, as a result of which, we not only strengthened each other, but also learned and taught a lot, gained experience, shared our achievements and took an example from women of other countries.

It is very significant that members of delegations from all over the world call each other sisters. It is so nice when they turn to you with a smile, take a hand or hug, calling her sister in a huge family of women of the world.

Natalia Kaplun, Svitlana Salamatova        svetasalamatova@gmail.com



The first Chicago Sustainability Leaders Network (CSLN) meeting of the year carried a sense of new energy with a host of familiar names and faces among the 24 who gathered at Windsor Park Evangelical Lutheran Church. ICA-USA has been facilitating this network of local grassroots leaders since 2013, when participants from our accelerate77 project called for an ongoing space for collaboration and collective action around holistic sustainability.

Our host, Alvyn Walker, has been deeply involved and active in CSLN for years, just as Windsor Park Church is deeply involved in the life of the South Shore community it calls home. To start the meeting, Alvyn gave a tour of the church, explaining both the challenges and opportunities of maintaining such a community anchor.


Fortunately, those opportunities are numerous. Windsor Park is home to a powerful wifi router that beams internet to the surrounding area, a mentoring program called Techgirlz, a community garden and pantry, tai chi classes, and, of course, regular church services.

Activity among the other members gathered was similarly bountiful, as revealed through a communal calendaring exercise. Each participant was given a sheet of paper with prompts to share events and initiatives coming up this year. The finished cards were taped up together in a calendar, and participants took turns explaining what they wrote and how to follow-up and get engaged.

Some connections were sparked immediately. As Alvyn began sharing yet another project of his that aimed to foster back yard gardens, member Thad Smith of West Side Bee Boyz exclaimed that "this is exactly why I come to these meetings!" Later, Thad explained his upcoming project, focused on front yard gardens that support pollinators such as native bees.

Other connections may take more time to crystallize, which is why we've created a digital replica of the 2019 Sustainability Communal Calendar, which lists all the events shared at the meeting and ways to get involved. The calendar is meant to be a living document, meaning that CSLN members can continue to add their events and opportunities for collaboration even past this meeting.

To accelerate collaborations, ICA Program Coordinator Samantha Sainsbury asked participants to identify emerging themes, yielding answers such as "tech", "gardens", and "food". Upon deeper reflection, another term surfaced to link these areas of momentum—"convergence".

And convergence is exactly what happened next, as participants were invited to host small group conversations to seed collaboration. The collaborative events planning team started work on a new CSLN collaborative events series that would follow up on last year's Nourish (comm)Unityseries. Meanwhile, another group of participants came together to share what is happening in their neighborhoods and exchange ideas and values centered around “design for sustainable communities”.

Those conversations were so rich, it turned out, that the meeting kept going late into the night, nearly an hour later than scheduled! Perhaps it was the Spring energy, or the camaraderie of long-time collaborators reconnecting. Whatever the reason, Alvyn summed it up as "we don't wanna leave tonight!"

Andrew Clayton

Published by The Institute of Cultural Affairs International,
401 Richmond Street West, Toronto, ON. M5V 3A8 Canada
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