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Global Buzz Report: November 2017

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ICAI Board Report:

ICAI has supported financially two regional meetings. The West Africa Regional Meeting, that was held in Benin from October 23 to 27, 2017 and the second one, The Asian Pacific meeting, that was held in Nepal from October 29 to November 3, 2017. Stay tuned for the results of both meetings.

Thanks to her initiative and work done in the Ukraine on this subject, Svitlana Salamatova, our Europe and MENA VP, is going to participate, at the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status Women, at the United Nations, representing ICAI. The main focus at this session is to be, 'Women´s rural development'. I encourage you to send any information that you may have, to Svitlana, using her email: svetasalamatova@gmail.com, giving her details of your local programs. She will have a 10 minute session to give information of ICA´s projects. I see this as a wonderful opportunity to participate, and that the voice of women can be heard.

Lisseth Lorenzo
ICAI President
Skype: lissethl

The new Winds and Waves magazine

We are delighted to invite you to share your stories
via medium.com. which is the public platform we have
moved to now, to publish Winds & Waves.
Please see the attachment which sets out how you can now
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English translation below (click)
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INTRODUCTION: dans le cadre de l’exécution du projet ce mois ci, les activités se sont articulées autour de ces différents points sur les sites d’intervention.

Ce mois-ci, en élevage, il y a eu des séances de vaccination de Gomboro et de Lasota ainsi que des pesées sur les 6 sites. Au niveau des cycles de production, 5 villages dont Bonikro-Ekissi-ho-Dey-oboguié –Niamanzra I-Niamanzra II-N’gorankro ont fini leur différents cycles d’élevage et ont vendu les sujets pendant la période des fêtes d’ignames. N’gorankro est au stade de vente des poulets depuis la semaine dernière.

Séance de pesée à N’gorankro
Poulets japonais à Mure
Vitamines pour poulets

Après la formation en utilisation et maitrise du GPS, le technicien a mis un accent sur la délimitation des parcelles maraichères à l’aide du GPS sur plusieurs sites. Les spéculations comme le chou, l’aubergine ont été repiqué à N’gorankro, Niamanzra I, Niamanzra II et à Dey-Oboguié- les femmes de Mure et Aboudé-Dadié ont également fait 2 récoltes de gombo.
A la Compostière les plants d’aubergines et de gombo bio se comportent bien et plusieurs récoltes ont été effectuées par les bénéficiaires.

Récolte d’aubergines et de gombo à la ferme moderne à Mure
Sacs d’aubergines récoltés à Mure

A N’gorankro, la 2èmeCompostière est en voie d’achèvement après la supervision des coordinateurs sur terrain, les bénéficiaires ont souhaité un soutien en engrais et en produits phytos pour les champs.

En Agroforesterie, le technicien a distribué les fertilisants dans les 11 villages et finalisé le planting des agrumes à Dey-Oboguié, Mure, Niamanzra I et II. Le technicien et les coordinateurs ont ce mois-ci été sur le terrain pour vérifier l’effectivité des planting des donations d’agrumes par site par les bénéficiaires. Egalement ce mois-ci d’Octobre, les bénéficiaires ont eu droit à une formation en biomédecine et les vertues des plantes-le piquetage de la parcelle de Bonikro est terminé et le technicien a prévu une commande des plants de palmiers à huile.

Champ de manioc à Dey-Oboguié
grains de maïs séchés à Bonikro
Formation en Agroforesterie : l’usage bio médicinale des vertus des plantes

Les coordinateurs OUYA ET HIDEKI ont effectué des visites terrains sur les 11 sites et sensibiliser les bénéficiaires à sensibiliser à entretenir les parcelles ; la coordination a aussi organisé une rencontre avec les bénéficiaires au bureau de ICA-CI pour la mise en place d’une coopérative regroupant les membres des CDC des 11 villages.

COTE D'IVOIRE:                            Click pictures to enlarge

INTRODUCTION: As part of the implementation of the project this month, the activities were organized around these different points on the intervention sites.

This month, in breeding, there were vaccination sessions against Gomboro and Lasota as well as weighing on the 6 sites. In terms of production cycles, Bonikro-Ekissi-ho-Dey-oboguié -Niamanzra I-Niamanzra II finished their different breeding cycles and sold chickens during the yam festival period. N’gorankro started selling chickens last week.

Egg chicken at N’gorankro for weighing session
Japanese Chicken at Mure
Vitamin for chicken

In terms of rehabilitation, ICA-CI has just completed the rehabilitation of Aboudé-Dadié farm and Bonikro, and Aboudé-Vincent will start soon.

After the training in use of GPS, the technician placed the emphasis on the necessity for vegetable plots using GPS on several sites, and vegetables such as cabbage and eggplant were transplanted at N'gorankro, Niamanzra I, Niamanzra II and Dey-Oboguié. The women of Mure and Aboudé-Dadié also accomplished 2 harvests of okra.
At the Compost house the eggplants and organic okra crops did well and several harvests have been made by the beneficiaries.

Harvest of eggplant and okra    at    Modern farm at Mure
Eggplants harvested at Mure

At N'gorankro, the 2nd Compost house is nearing completion. After the supervision by the coordinators on the field, the beneficiaries wanted support for fertilizers and photosynthetic products for the fields.

In Agroforestry, the technician distributed the fertilizers in the 11 villages and finalized the citrus planting in Dey-Oboguié, Mure, Niamanzra I and II. The technician and the coordinators have this month been in the field to check the effectiveness of planting by beneficiaries of citrus donations per site. Also this month of October, the beneficiaries were entitled to training in biomedicine and the virtues of the plants. The picketing of the Bonikro plot is completed and the technician has planned an order for the oil palm seedlings.

Cassava field at Dey-Oboguié
Dry corn seeds at Badoukro
Training in Agroforestry

The coordinators OUYA and HIDEKI carried out field visits to the 11 sites and made the beneficiaries aware of the need for maintenance of the plots; the coordination also organized a meeting with the beneficiaries at the ICA-CI office to set up a cooperative grouping CDC members from the 11 villages.

Kouame Konan         konaneug@gmail.com


Shizuyo went to Kenya for two tree planting projects – a total of 4,500 trees were planted. The highlight was the many villagers resting beneath the formerly planted trees, enjoying the shade and waiting for the trees to bear fruit.

The APRM (Asia Pacific Meeting) is this week, and Shizuyo is there representing ICA Japan. When contacted by phone, they all seemed very engaged. The week started with two school visits. After the APRM she will visit MOFA in Nepal, JICA in New Delhi, and help with an Eye Camp in Western India.

They wrote and submitted a 30 page proposal to place 300 floating gardens in Bangladesh, with the help of Tapan, a very interested ICA person and who is also teaching at a Bangladesh University.

Our two interns, and two part time staff, went to Asago Town to have an outsiders view of how to increase tourism. They reported to us briefly with many simple ideas, that would make Asago more interesting. For instance, one place, giving ideas and directions to other interesting places. Now they are to spend a week writing a long report. Hopefully, Asago Town will say YES to a Town Meeting to get broader participation.

Maki is in Cote d’Ivoire for woman’s chats to get the woman’s view, with Debora assisting, and also to talk with each staff member and some villagers.

Wayne continued to recruit for the two courses by Bill Staples: MTW & FCC. What do you suppose it is like to recruit Japanese using English? It will be a great chance to include our staff for further training.

Miku continued to coordinate MOFA for the Nepal Community Training Center construction. Now MOFA asks ICA Japan; what we will do for two years, after the center is built! WoW!

ICA Staff



ICA-USA’s 50 year history is well documented- but in the process of becoming well organized and digitized. Colleagues from around the U.S. volunteer countless hours from remote location to this archiving project-- and twice a year they meet face in Chicago to keep momentum and push forward specific projects.

This Fall Sojourn, October 9-13, brought together 54 colleagues, more than any prior Sojourn. In addition to regular sojourn activities, those gathered celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the International Human Development Projects (HDPs). ICA-USA’s HDP’s were ‘concerned with the human factor in world development’ and aimed to build the capacity of communities around the world - so that local communities could create and implement their own plans for change.

Colleagues split into five working groups: 1) Global Archives Website Team, 2) Keyword Tagging Team, 3) HDP Research and Reporting Team, 4) Basement Archive Team, and 5) Gordon Harper Team.

Highlights include:

  • 1 Wall of Wonder spanning the past 40 years of HDP and more
  • 372 hours of volunteer work done for the Archives
  • 200GB of video recorded
  • 500 photos taken

Update on Working Groups:
Global Archives Website
To represent a living archive, the website will be a living document, “adaptive to the use of it” in the sense that it invites and changes with collaborative use. In order to “harvest work done in the past”(view framework here), the Website Team is working to digitize archive materials by first scanning them into PDF (portable document format) and then applying OCR (optical character recognition) software that allows computers to read the scanned text.

Tasked with answering the question of “who would want to use our wisdom?”, the Tagging Team mapped current data categorized as: organizational development, education, spirit life, symbols, movements, and volunteer simplicity. From there, the team created user profiles of people most likely to seek out and benefit from ICA’s body of work. Tags articulate what these users would search for without using institutional language, therein making the archive accessible to the wider community.

Beyond simply revealing the depths of the existing archive is the impulse to tell its foundational stories anew. To this end the Band of 24 Team drafted a unifying template for reports on the Human Development Projects intended to populate the new website. Through five sections of less than 500 words each, the template guides authors to reflect upon the whole story and identify overarching themes that not only strengthen the narrative of the project, but connect it to “insights, implications, questions, etc., that have been revealed about community development during the past 40 years” (view template here). In this way, reports on the projects build on the work of the Website Team by linking to supplemental content from the archives and beyond into the wider world.

Gordon Harper Files
Another working group sorted through the files of longtime colleague and Archives contributor, Gordon Harper. In the midst of memories of Gordon’s idiosyncratic wit and meticulous notation, these highlights were uncovered:

  • A complete bound description of all the courses of University 13, developed in 1982 but never implemented.
  • Six ring-bound notebooks of Gordon's record of his time in Chicago, full of well-written, legible notes of colleagues’ talks, including J.W. Mathews.
  • About 100 cassette tapes grouped into 6 categories: RS-I pedagogy, NRM, JWM, colleagues, Taiwan, and others. Notable was a radio broadcast with the translating author reporting on Kazantzakis, author of Saviors of God, which colleagues studied in 1968.
  • Complete set of HDTS (Human Development Training School) files from Maliwada, India.
  • Photos and slides from the HDP in Taiwan, which have been given to Frank Knutson to process.

Basement Archives
Perhaps the bravest of the working groups was led by Ruth Gilbert and Nancy Trask, who approached the monumental work of organizing the basement archives at the ICA GreenRise. Like solving a sliding tile puzzle, the Basement Team alternated between sorting through objects and clearing spaces in which to house those objects once sorted. They asked tough questions, such as: “keep or toss?”, “is the owner alive or dead?”, “is this object’s value institutional or personal?”, “would we send this, and is it worth it?”, “what does this mean to someone?”, and “could anyone else use it?”. Though the work was emotionally and physically exhausting, the team was “fed by touching the lives of colleagues” through the things they left behind in the course of the HDPs.

To Read the Full Sojourn Report
 Click to Download PDF 

Karen Sims        ksims@ica-usa.org


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