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Global Buzz Report: August 2017

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ICAI Board Report:

General Assembly 2017
On July 28th 2017, we held our General Assembly, using virtual communication via Adobe Connect. We had 20 participants on line: from Australia, India, Taiwan, Canada, United States, China, England, Nepal, Ukraine, Guatemala, Chile and Japan. We really missed our colleagues from Africa. Charles Louga and Yawo Adufu sent their apologies because they had internet connection problems.

During the General Assembly every ICA present at the meeting, gave a brief report of their ICAs endeavors, citing the wonderful things that are happening around the world! Then the Board gave their report, followed by the the ICAI 2016 Financial Statements.

Other topics we talked about were the ICAI Global Conference, the Top Global Policy working group, the ICA-IAF working group and global communications.

Our secretary, Archana Pawar, is working at the moment to share all the details with youl.

I encourage you to continue working for human development, participation and peer to peer collaboration!

Lisseth Lorenzo
Skype: lissethl

The new Winds and Waves magazine

We are delighted to invite you to share your stories
via medium.com which is the public platform we have
moved to now, to publish Winds & Waves.
Please see the attachment which sets out how you can now
personally publish your stories for Winds and Waves magazine.

See attachment here


English translation below (click)
Hacer clic en la foto para ampliarla


Presentado por el Instituto de Asuntos Culturales de Guatemala

Participantes de: El Quiché, Zacapa, El Progreso, Ciudad de Guatemala, ICA Chile e ICA Perú Entrenadores: Angélica Rodríguez y Raúl Jorquera de Partners in Participation de Phoenix Arizona.

Familia Spencer a través de CAF América, Familia Hopkins, Familia Packard. Apoyo de ICA Internacional Coordinador y anfitrión ICA Guatemala. Realizado del 21 al 23 de Julio del 2017
En Centro de Formación Asunción, Ciudad Guatemala, Guatemala C.A.


Como parte del programa de La Canasta de Aprendizaje, se llevó a cabo el Curso de Facilitadores de La Canasta de Aprendizaje realizado los días 21, 22 y 23 de julio del 2017,  en el Centro de Formación Asunción, en la ciudad de Guatemala. Participando en el mismo; personas de 4 puntos de Guatemala, La Pista, Nebaj El Quiché; Capucal Chaguiton, La Unión, Zacapa; El Chorro, San Antonio La Paz, El Progreso; y de  la Ciudad Capital. También se contó con la participación de una persona de ICA Chile y una persona de ICA Perú. Los entrenadores que impartieron el Curso fueron: Angélica Rodríguez y Raúl Jorquera de Partners in Participation de Phoenix Arizona, y el encargado de la organización y coordinación del evento fue ICA Guatemala.


Durante el curso se desarrollaron contextos, presentaciones, dramatizaciones, prácticas por parte de los participantes.  Los temas fueron:

  • El modo de aprender y enseñar de un niño.
  • Padres y maestros juntos.
  • Aumentar el conocimiento de los padres con respecto a los Niños.
  • Diseño y práctica de un plan de sesión de padres.
  • La Implementación del programa por área geográfica.

Según los resultados de la evaluación final; los participantes comentan de lo que observaron y sus aprendizajes. 

 “Los niños aprenden jugando, el 85% del desarrollo ocurre de 0-3 años.  Las conexiones cerebrales y la importancia del estímulo”.
“Cómo la afectividad afecta las conexiones neuronales”.
“La utilización de la metodología del Método de Conversación Enfocada”.
“Los sociodramas con los comportamientos negativos y positivos, ver el impacto que ocurre en el
cerebro de los niños”.
“Momentos de dinámicas y cantos los cuales trasmiten una energía positiva”.
“Que los padres si pueden organizarse para dar su tiempo a jugar con sus niños”
“La adaptación, creo que es un mensaje clave, saber cómo adaptar el juego y el aprendizaje a las diferentes edades y situaciones económicas”
“Se piensa que los niños no aprenden en sus primeros años, pero, es una idea errónea porque en esa
edad es donde desarrollan el 85% de su cerebro”
“Facilitar es promover más desarrollo, una sociedad con valores”
“La importancia de los padres en el desarrollo de las habilidades de los niños”
“Se necesita mucha energía y fortalecer el equipo para ser facilitadores”

¿Próximos pasos, con respecto a este entrenamiento?

“Utilizar el conocimiento para orientar a padres y personas que necesiten conocer como apoyar a sus hijos durante su desarrollo”
“Reunión con junta administrativa ICA Guatemala para planificar curso de La Canasta, para tener un piloto en la ciudad capital”
“Dar a conocer lo aprendido a mis pares y preparar una sesión en la comunidad de Sol de Septiembre”
 “Que urge que lleguemos a los padres, urge que aprendan a educar a sus hijos.  Es una excelente metodología”
“Hizo falta tiempo para más práctica, por lo que hay que solicitar apoyo/coaching a entrenadores para continuar replicando el programa”

  • “Gracias por hacer posible este programa e impartirlo, además, de la invitación a ser facilitadores, seguir dando estos espacios para seguir aprendiendo”
  • “Muchas gracias por esta capacitación, es una metodología que es aplicable a Guatemala, y espero se puedan generar impactos positivos en padres/madres, niños”
  • “Agradecido por el aporte que realizan para el desarrollo de esta actividad, le aseguro que esto será conocido por muchos padres”.
  • “Agradezco a los patrocinadores por la oportunidad de ir poco a poco por un mundo mejor”
  • “Ustedes son parte de este producto y este cambio en los padres para el aprendizaje de los niños”
  • “Muchas gracias a ICA Guatemala, a la Dra. Packard, Raúl y Angélica por su entusiasmo por compartir el programa”

La edad de los participantes estaba en un rango de 21 a 60 años, con diversas profesiones: Maestras de Preprimaria, Primaria, Educación media, Consultores y Facilitadores de Técnicas de la Participación, Psicólogas, Administradores. Algunos de los participantes con amplia trayectoria en desarrollo comunitario (entregando metodologías para el desarrollo humano), educadores de centros educativos, maestras del sistema de educación público, y una nueva generación que inicia sus actividades en el mundo laboral. Personas de aldeas y de la ciudad. 

Contexto escrito por Joaquina Rodríguez, revisado por Jesusa Aburto de ICA Perú. Fotos editadas por Raúl Jorquera y la traducción al inglés  por Gerd Luders de ICA Chile

Joaquina Rodriguez             icaguateg@gmail.com

Click all pictures to enlarge

Presented by the Institute of Cultural Affairs of Guatemala

Participants from
:  El Quiché, Zacapa, El Progreso, Guatemala City, ICA Chile and ICA Perú
Facilitators:  Angélica Rodríguez and Raúl Jorquera from Partners in Participation of Phoenix Arizona.
Sponsors:  Spencer Family through CAF America, Hopkins Family, Packard Family. Support from ICA International
Training Location: Asunción Training Center, Guatemala City, Guatemala

As part of The Learning Basket program, a Learning Basket Facilitators Course was held on 21, 22 and 23 July 2017 at the Asunción Training Center in Guatemala City.  
Participants came from 4 points of Guatemala:
    La Pista, Nebaj El Quiché
    Capucal Chaguiton, La Unión, Zacapa
    El Chorro, San Antonio La Paz, El Progreso
    The Capital City
We also had one person from ICA Chile and one from ICA Peru.

The trainers were: Angélica Rodríguez and Raúl Jorquera from Partners in Participation of Phoenix Arizona, and the organization and coordination of the event was in charge of ICA Guatemala.

The course included contexts, presentations, dramatizations and practices by the participants. The topics were:

  • The way of learning and teaching for a child
  • Parents and teachers together
  • Increasing the knowledge of parents with respect to the children
  • Design and practice of a Parents Session Plan
  • Program implementation by geographical area

During the closing evaluation, participants said the following about their observations and learning:

"Children learn by playing, 85% of their development occurs between 0 and 3 years of age.”
“Brain connections and the importance of stimulus"
"How emotions affect neural connections"
"Using the Focused Conversation Method"
"Socio-dramas with negative and positive behaviors.  Seeing the impact that occurs in the brain of the children"
"Moments of dynamics and songs that transmit positive energy"
"Parents can organize themselves to provide their time to play with their children"
"Adaptation, I think, is a key message.  Knowing how to adapt the game and the learning to different ages and economic situations"
"The thought that children do not learn in their early years is a misconception, because at that age they develop 85% of their brain"
"Facilitation is to promote more development, a society with values"
"The importance of parents in developing children's skills"
"Being a facilitator takes a lot of energy and it requires strengthening the team"

Next steps, after this training?
"Use this knowledge to guide parents and people who need to know how to support their children during their development"
"Meet with the Administrative Board of ICA Guatemala to plan a Learning Basket course, as a pilot program in the capital city"
"Share what I have learned with my peers, and prepare a session in the community of Sol de Septiembre"
"It is urgent to reach the parents, urgent that they learn to educate their children. It is an excellent methodology "
"We needed more time to practice, so we must ask for support / coaching to continue replicating this program"

"Thank you for sponsoring this program and its delivery, for the invitation to become facilitators, and for your continued support of these opportunities to keep on learning."
"Thank you very much for this training, it is a methodology that is applicable to Guatemala, and I expect we can generate positive impacts on fathers/mothers, children."
"I am grateful for your contribution to develop this activity, and I assure you this will be known by many parents."
"I thank the sponsors for the opportunity to go little by little for a better world."
"You are part of this product, and this change in parents for the learning of children."
"Many thanks to ICA Guatemala, Dr. Packard, Raúl and Angelica for their enthusiasm in sharing this program."

Participant ages ranged from 21 to 60 years, and included various professions: Teachers of Pre-Primary, Primary and Middle Education, Consultant and Facilitators of Participatory Techniques, Psychologists and Administrators.  Some of the participants have extensive experience in community development (providing methodologies for human development), as school educators, teachers from the public-school system, and a new generation that is starting their activities in the adult world.  Some came from villages, some from the city.

Written context by Joaquina Rodríguez, review by Jesusa Aburto from ICA Peru.  Photos editing by Raul Jorquera and the translation to English by Gerd Luders of ICA Chile.

Joaquina Rodríguez           icaguateg@gmail.com
(ICA Guatemala Director)


The ToP Facilitation Essential program, pioneered by ICA Associates Inc, is now being prepared for Comprehensive Endorsement by IAF. Once it is approved most ICAs with a few ToP Trainers will be able to offer a way to IAF members to get themselves prepared for IAF certification using ICA and ToP courses.

The final course in the series, Facilitating Client Collaboration, has been tested in four different countries and works. The other two courses are the ICA standard Group Facilitation Methods course (known as TFM, Level 1, GFM1-2 in some countries) and Meetings That Work that is already available in several countries already.


If you want to get up to speed on this program, contact Bill Staples, ICA Associates Inc. (see below)

Anna Babych, the only Certified ToP Facilitator in Austria,
has lead an ICA Ukraine team over the past year translating into Russian and editing The Art of Focused Conversation: 100 Ways to Access Wisdom in the Workplace by Brian Stanfield.

The work is done and the book has been sent to iUniverse for publication. It will be available this fall for US$3.99 as an e-book, and around US20.00 in hard copy. The Russian title is Искусство Сфокусированной беседы 100 способов доступа к групповой мудрости в рабочей среде

This is another book in the work of ICA Canada publishing ICA’s ToP body of knowledge.

Bill Staples           bstaples@ica-associates.ca


Welcoming New Young Talent
While enjoying the monsoon rain in July, ICA Nepal welcomed our three new international volunteers, who come from the Netherlands and Australia respectively. They have brought new energy and enthusiasm to the office. Ms. Willemien Top, Ms. Sarah Hayward and Ms. Kaitlyn are working with us in our Menstruation Hygiene Management Program. They are educating and teaching girl students along with Ms. Yashoda Nepali, on proper menstruation hygiene management.

Sarah Hayward, Queensland, Australia
Kaitlyn Tighe , Queensland, Australia
Willemien Top , Wageningen, Netherland

Menstruation Hygiene Management Awareness Raising Program
We continued to advocate and educate proper menstrual hygiene management. In July, we reached approximately 100 girls and talked about menstrual issues for maintaining proper menstruation hygiene in schools and at home etc. We are receiving your support through our crowd funding page in Global Giving.

Menstrual Hygiene Management program conducted at Genesis Academy, Bhuwaldanda, Boudha
Menstrual Hygiene Management program conducted at Everest Florida

New Library Set up in Women and Children Learning Centre in Changunarayan
The Rotary Club of Kantipur helped us in setting up a library in the ICA’s Women and Children Learning Centre in Changunarayan, Bhaktapur. A weekly program has been planned for the children of Changunarayan with the objective to improve their reading habits.

Newly build library at Women and Children Learning Center, Changunarayan
School Children at playground at Women and Children Learning Centre, Changunarayan

Global Giving Representatives Visit ICA Nepal
Ms. Mihika Chanchani and Ms. Marlina, representatives of Global Giving USA, on behalf of the Jean Houston Foundation and Village Earth, visited ICA Nepal and it’s project site at the Women and Children Learning Centre located at Changunarayan.

Representatives from Global Giving
Ms. Mihika Chanchani and Ms. Marlina visiting Women and Children Learning Center, Changunarayan
Ms. Ishu Subba along with local women at Changunarayan with Global Giving Team

This was followed by a meeting with the ICA Nepal team and interaction with the Progressive Women's Group Leader, Ms. Devaka Shrestha. They were very happy to learn how the women's group has undertaken a number of activities, from income generation, running an entrepreneurship, micro finance and skill development etc.

ICA Asia Pacific Regional Meeting
Along with all these programs ICA Nepal is primed to promote the Asia Pacific Regional Meeting, (APRM), which is going to be held on the 29th of October to the 3rd of November, 2017 in Nepal. Lawrence E. Philbrook has confirmed his availability to facilitate Pre APRM training entitled: “Facilitating Client Collaboration”, from 27 October to 29 October 2017. We are super excited about it.

Community Development Activities
Community Development activities in the Far and Mid-Western Region, supported by Misereor, Germany, is going as per the plan. We have now completed one and half years and conducted a series of, facilitative leadership programs, adult literacy and income generating activities. Similarly, we are working with ICA Japan to support local people in the Sindhupalchowk district. Currently, we are working towards getting approval from local government and the Social Welfare Council.
Scene of Community Development Program at Kalikot District Mid-Western Region of Nepal
Recipient of Income Generating Funds in Mid-western region

Report Prepared by:
Ms. Ishu Subba, Executive Director  ishu@ica-nepal.org
and Ms. Deepa Lama, Assistant Program Officer



  • Life Skills and Sexuality Education for Secondary Schools at Melville College: During the period we had two sessions with the students. For the students of SS1 we had a discussion on  the need for goal setting after being in a new level. Eighty five students were in attendance – 39 female and 46 male. The second group was the JSS3 students who were preparing for the next phase in their education i.e. moving from junior to senior school. We had a discussion on Character Development, concentrating on Diligence, Integrity and Discipline. Ninety students were in attendance – 47 female and 43 male.

The students appreciated the discussions and one specifically called to say “Thank you!”

  • Catch Them Young for Nursery/Primary Children: we continue our programme at the MEPOL Primary School, Ojodu, Lagos, every Friday, which aims at equipping the children with knowledge and skills to help them develop in every area of their lives.  

During the last term, (May - June), various topics were shared with the children including the need to appreciate themselves as each person is unique; qualities of heroes, and how they develop such qualities, that will make one great in life; positive Peer influence, relationships in the family, among others.

It’s great working with the children as they are enthusiastic and quick to learn

The objective of CCMP is to awaken the Church to her responsibility and that is - That is the church understands and applies its biblical mandate for holistic ministry to its immediate community and thus truly becomes “salt and light” to the community.  
 The training was held from May15-19 at the Change Institute, Ikeja Lagos, with over twenty participants from different Churches and NGOs, including EPDI.

The workshop was organized by CRUDAN for Church leaders, NGOs and individuals, to equip them with the tools for comprehensive planning and sustainability of projects. There were talks, discussions, exercises and group work.  
Participants were grateful for such a programme as it exposed them to the areas of failure in various projects they had hitherto engaged in, and were now equipped with the tools for effective planning and the implementation of projects.
The Executive Director of EPDI, Hannah, was one of the two facilitators at the workshop which held from July 3-7.

NETWORK ACTIVITIES: Several activities by the Association for members were held between may and June. These were:

  • CRUDAN Zonal Congress held on May 12, 2017 at the Institute of Church and Society, Ibadan, Oyo State. During the meeting, members were briefed on the activities of the organization and to mobilize members for the Annual General Meeting that would be held later in the month.

      A talk was also given on Fundraising Strategy for Organisations by Mr. Martin-Mary Falana

  • CRUDAN Zonal Development Congress held on June 14, 2017 at the Anglican Church of the Messiah, Ibadan with the theme “Leadership and Nation Building: The Nehemiah Approach”  This is a programme held annually to discuss issues concerning the nation and to proffer suggestions on way forward. Two talks were delivered

       - Leadership and Nation Building: The Nehemiah Approach was delivered by Rev. Fr Vincent  Anadi, Catholic Diocese of Ondo.
       -  Management of Solid Waste and Recycling by Mr. Fellar Omowole, Director, Ondo State Waste   Management Authority
       -  Waste and Climate Change by Mrs. Jumoke Ogunrayi, Ministry of Environment

  • CRUDAN South West Zonal Committee Meeting: The second meeting of the year held in the evening of June 14, 2017 at the Office and all the members were present. After the general discussions, the Organisational Capacity Indicator (OCI), a Self Evaluation Exercise, for the Association was carried out.
  • CRUDAN Annual Zonal Lecture for Christian Leaders and other stakeholders held on Tuesday 27th June, 2017 at Agape Generation International Church, 15-17 Ugbeje Aki street, Mende Estate, Maryland Lagos by 10:30am prompt. The theme of the lecture is “The Nigerian Church as Salt of the Earth and Light of the World: Conversion at Fostering Healing, Reconciliation and Social Cohesion in Turbulent National Context”.  The lecture was delivered by Mr. Ben Osawe, Advocacy Manager, Tearfund Nigeria.
Hannah           epdi2008@yahoo.com


ICA-USA Launches Out and About Uptown’s Coast Series

In 2017-2018, ICA-USA and the Uptown Coastal Initiative are coordinating the Out & About Uptown's Coast series which aims to raise awareness of Uptown's lakefront and parks through nine experiential education sessions that offer attendees rich opportunity for meaningful engagement with the ecology and culture of this Great Lakes coastal community. The project hopes to connect residents, workers, and visitors, and strengthen links between the well-being of the coastal ecosystem and the health and well-being of those who live, work, and visit Uptown’s coast.

ICA launched the series on Sunday, May 21st, 2017, focusing on Urban Ecology. Local partners Susan Ask of animalia project, Melanie Eckner of the Uptown Coastal Initiative, and Ted Jindrich of the Chicago Park District Natural Areas stewards shared their collective expertise covering Uptown’s past, present, and future.

Following the presentations, the group walked to the Montrose Beach Dunes and Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary to take a tour and learn about ongoing opportunities to help preserve and provide stewardship for the natural marvels along Uptown’s coast.

One highlight from the presentations was a look at Uptown’s unique urban fauna, the family of geese that annually resides at Weiss Memorial Urban Rooftop Farm.

Photo credit (geese image)Weiss Memorial Hospital

For three years, the geese have nested until the goslings are big enough to walk to Montrose Harbor, an event endearingly named the Weiss Waddle.

During the guided tour of the Montrose Beach Dunes, participants found themselves walking in a similar single-file fashion to maintain the trails!

ICA hosted Cycling Uptown on Wednesday, July 19th, 2017, focusing on biking assets in Uptown. Local partners Melanie Eckner of the Uptown Coastal Initiative, Kyle Whitehead of Active Transportation Alliance, and Dan Black of Divvy and Slow Roll Chicago shared their collective expertise about historical and current bike infrastructure; opportunities to provide feedback into future bike infrastructure; and bike safety.

Following the presentations, the group walked along US Bike Route 37, Lawrence Avenue, to the site of the proposed Lakeshore Trail separation, and finished the walk at the Margate Park Divvy Station for test rides. Most participants had not previously ridden a Divvy bike, so the rides were a fun way to end the night.

Melanie shares historic bike crash and fatality statistics
The event would not be complete without a group selfie by the Divvy station!

Remaining session will focus on underutilized community space, urban agriculture, transit, mental health, historic preservation, eco-justice, and green infrastructure. At the close of Out & About Uptown's Coast, a toolkit highlighting the different approaches taken and lessons learned will be created to help inform future programming as well as participant stewardship and engagement around sustainability in the coast.

Samantha Sainsbury         ssainsbury@ica-usa.org


The Asia Pacific Regional Meeting, (APRM), is going to be held on the 29th of October to the 3rd of November, 2017 in Nepal.

Published by The Institute of Cultural Affairs International,
401 Richmond Street West, Toronto, ON. M5V 3A8 Canada
All rights reserved.

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