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Global Buzz Report: May 2017

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ICAI Board Report:

At our monthly ICAI board meeting, Shisuyo Sato, VP for Asia, announced that they will have their Asian Regional Meeting in October 2017. We also talked about the coming 2018 Global Conference, and if Africa will be hosting it. We will let you know more details when we have them.

Charles Louga informed us that LITD, based in Kenya, wants to become an ICA associate member. We will let you know if they meet the requirements for membership, in order to continue with the process.

Svitlana Salamatova, our VP for Europe, announced that on May 18, she will be facilitating the “Forum of Women Partnership”, this is a group of women that are attempting to transform Ukraine. You can see this video https://youtu.be/z_9U7NMH7p4 for more information about it.

Please note: our next general assembly meeting will be held on July 18th. We will let you know the time for the two different time zones.

Lisseth Lorenzo
Skype: lissethl


Members of ICA Bangladesh, volunteers, and guardians attended a meeting to greet John Miller on April 22nd in Dhaka, Bangladesh. John, from ICA Associates, Canada, arrived in Dhaka on April 17th to teach Technology of Participation (ToP) for the UN OPS in Dhaka. ICA Bangladesh and BICJ - a partner organization, co-hosted a training session entitled, “Introduction to ToP and team building”, on April 22nd in which 16 members and volunteers participated . The participants were very impressed with regard to the power of ToP and with John Miller’s facilitation skills.

ICA Bangladesh thanked John Miller for offering his time, and Naimul and Shakawat handed over a small gift to John. ICA Bangladesh also thanked the participants, sponsors, and the co-host, Dr. Mokerrom Hossain, for his support.

Yateen Gharat from India has donated three sticky walls and color shapes for our training and facilitation work with organizations and communities in Bangladesh. ICA Bangladesh thanked Yateen for the gifts as they would be very beneficial for ICA Bangladesh team.

Aziz attended an orientation session for the Community Solidarity Fund (CSF) in Canada, at the Manitoba Council for International Cooperation (MCIC), on April 12th. ICA Bangladesh is planning to submit a proposal for its envisioned Gabua village project. Aziz was very pleased to meet Zack Gross, a staff member at MCIC, especially when he learned that Zack knew all about ICA and had had training in ToP many years ago. We hope that ICAB and MCIC will be become partners in our good cause.

Aziz           aziz.uoft@gmail.com


English translation below

Les activités  du projet année 3 se sont déroulées pour ce mois autour des points suivants :

  1. Poursuite de la sensibilisation sur les activités des 3 sous projets qui seront exécutées en année 3 dans les 11 villages
  2. Identification, préparation des parcelles  en agroforesterie, culture maraicher et en élevage.
  3. Réhabilitation des fermes années 1
  4. Mise en incubation de 300 œufs de poulets de chair dans le cadre de l’expérimentation et de production des poulets pour le ravitaillement des villages du projet en poulets de chairs et de pondeuses.

      1. Sensibilisation

Pour mieux aborder les activités de l’année 3, des séances de sensibilisation ont été organisées dans les 11 villages bénéficiaires. Ces séances ont permis de :

  • Présenter le contenu de chaque programme  des différents sous projets de cette année qui sont l’élevage de poulets de chair et de pondeuses, la culture maraicher et l’agroforesterie
  • agencer des activités
  • De prendre les dispositions pour l’exécution des activités

De programmer  des cultures

Dans le sous projet  culture maraichère  les bénéficiaires ont décidé de cultiver le gombo, le piment, l’aubergine etc. En agroforesterie, cette année l’innovation a été apportée pour l’expérimentation de nouvelles cultures par nos bénéficiaires , des arbres qui ont des vertus  nutritionnelles,  thérapeutiques il est prévu des arbres tels que le moringa, le nime.
Dans la finalité, il s’agit  permettre aux bénéficiaires de maitriser les différents programmes des sous-projets  et de l’approprier à travers leur motivation et implication afin de mener à  bien les activités de la dernière année du projet de réinsertion des jeunes à risque dans la région de l’Agnéby-Tiassa.

  • 2. Identification, préparation des parcelles  en agroforesterie, culture maraicher et en élevage.
    Dans les 3 sous projets, la plus part des sites ont été déjà identifiés, délimités.
    En agroforesterie, les semis de mais ont faits dans les plantations de palmiers  dans les villages de N’gorankro, Niamanzra I et II. Les villages comme Dey-oboguié, Ekissi-oh sur de nouvelles parcelles.
  • 3. Réhabilitation des fermes années 1
    L’activité de  réhabilitation des 3 villages de l’année 1 débuté il y a peu se déroule bien. Ainsi donc les villages d’Ekissi-oh est en ce moment au stade de finition.
  • 4. Mise en incubation de 300 œufs de poulets de chair dans le cadre de l’expérimentation et de production des poulets pour le ravitaillement des villages du projet en poulets de chairs et de pondeuses. Pour le programme année 3, 300 œufs de poulets de chairs ont étés mises en incubation le jeudi 27 Avril dernier  et se comportent bien en ce moment.

An assessment for project year 3 was held this month with regard to the following points:

  1. The continuation of assessment of the activities for the 3 sub-projects which will be carried out in year 3 in the 11 villages
  2. Identification and preparation of the plots in agroforestry, culture maraicher and livestock.
  3. Rehabilitation of farms year1
  4. The incubation of 300 eggs for chickens of flesh, within the framework of the experimentation and production of chickens as replacements in the villages associated with chickens for flesh and of laying hens.

     1. Assessment
To better address the activities of year 3, assessment sessions have been held in the 11 beneficiary villages. These sessions helped:

  • to present the content for each program with different sub-projects this year, which are the breeding of broilers and laying hens, culture maraicher and agroforestry
  • arrange activities
  • to make provision for the activities regarding the program of cultures.

For the sub project culture, maraichère, the beneficiaries have decided to grow the okra, the chili pepper, eggplant, etc.. In agroforestry, this year, innovation has led to experimentation with new cultures by our beneficiaries, such as trees that have nutritional and therapeutic values, trees such as the moringa and the nime.

It is intended to enable the beneficiaries to master the different programs of the sub-projects through their own motivation and involvement, in order to carry out the activities of the last year of the project that recognizes the reintegration of young people at risk in the region of the Agnéby-Tiassa.

  • 2. Identification, preparation of the plots in agroforestry, culture maraicher and livestock.
    Of the 3 sub-projects, most sites have already been identified.
    In agroforestry, seedlings for the plantation of palms have been provided in the villages of Niamanzra I and II. Villages such as Dey-oboguié, and Ekissi-OH have new plots.
  • 3. Rehabilitation of farms year 1
    The activity for the rehabilitation of the 3 villages for year 1 has started and is going well. The village of Ekissi-oh, at the moment, is in the finishing stage.
  • 4. The incubation of 300 eggs for chickens of the flesh and of laying hens. For the program year 3: 300 eggs for chickens of flesh were put into incubation on Thursday 27 April last, and are doing well so far.

Kouame Konan         konaneug@gmail.com


ICA Nepal with its vision to improve entrepreneurship among local communities, started with a new initiative this month in collaboration with the Institute of Rubber and Jatropha Research(IRJR-N/USA), which specifically and intensively works for the expansion of Rubber Plantation in Nepal. The initiative called “ICA Nepal and IRJR N/USA: A joint Initiative on developing Entrepreneurship through Rubber plantation and production” aims on expanding the Natural Rubber plantation in the eastern parts of Nepal (Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari and the lower parts of Ilam)

Natural Rubber is the source of more than 50 thousand materials and the second largest industry in the world after steel. From baby’s toys to the world’s largest weapons, rubber is an integral and an irreplaceable material.

Also known as “White gold”, natural rubber can only be grown in South Asian lands, and Nepal, among others, have the potential to grow the finest quality rubber. Currently only 1000 hectares of land is being utilized for Rubber plantation when almost 15000 hectares of land is suitable and available in Nepal.

Thus this initiative has started to bring together farmers, community forest user groups, industrialists, rubber enterprises and government officials, for promoting Commercial Modern Rubber plantation and the promotion of Agro-entrepreneurship. The initiative will be a collaboration with government/non-government organizations, cooperatives, universities, and local level institutions for its expansion.

In this regard, a training session on the scope of the plantation of Natural Rubber was organized on April 10-11-2017 at ICA Nepal, where the pioneer scientist of rubber plantation in Nepal, Mr. Tilak Bhandari, along with rubber technologist, Mr. Tej Nath Dahal, facilitated sessions on rubber plantation and associated industries respectively.

Also, a group of ICA Nepal and IRJR N/USA representatives have left for a field assessment and baseline research among Rubber growers to determine the current situation in the eastern Parts of Nepal.

Prepared by
Pritha Khanal          pritha_khanal@yahoo.com



Schools were on holiday in April, and so the only major activity carried out during the period was the five days of: Training of Trainers on Family Education and Life Skills, which took place at Goshen Chalet, Redemption Camp, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Ogun State on April 24th-28th, 2017.

Some of the topics reviewed during the programme included an overview of the National Adolescent Reproductive Health situation in Nigeria, HIV/AIDS Education, Gender Issues and Human Rights-Biblical Perspectives, Teenage Pregnancy and its Effects, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), Life skills -Value and Value Clarification, Self Esteem, Communication and Decision making Skills, Goal setting, Facilitation skills and Report Writing.
The event, organized by CRUDAN, was attended by about twenty five participants from its member organizations. Hannah facilitated some of the sessions, with two other facilitators..

Hannah         epdi2008@yahoo.com


English translation below

El Instituto de Asuntos Culturales del Perú
(ICA-Perú) actualmente esta involucrado con actividades para la Reconstrucción Nacional luego de las inundaciones por el Fenómeno del Niño Costero.  Nos encontramos en la fase de determinación de cuáles serán los pueblos mas afectados en donde vamos a trabajar con el Plan de Reconstrucción Nacional que el gobierno emprenderá.  Es nuestro interés apoyar a las comunidades que seleccionemos, o sea las mas afectadas, para que ellas mismas sean capaces de encontrar el camino adecuado para reconstruir la infraestructura dañada en su territorio y construir la adecuada infraestructura necesaria de acuerdo a los intereses de los pobladores y lo que la modernidad exige. 

Gloria Santos y Pedro Aburto han estado en Chimbote, visitando a la gente de Rinconada, un pueblo terriblemente afectado por las inundaciones en nuestro país. Este es uno de los lugares que estamos planeando apoyar.

The Institute of Cultural Affairs in Peru
(ICA-Perú) is currently involved with activities for reconstruction on the national level, after the floods caused by the phenomenon of the “Niño Costero.”  We are presently at the phase whereby we define the people most affected and how we are going to work with the Plan of National Reconstruction that the Government will undertake.

Our interest is to select and support the communities that are the most affected, and help them find the best way to help themselves to rebuild the infrastructure damaged in its territory. This should include the interests of the inhabitants, and what the future demands. 

Gloria Santos and Pedro Agurto have been in Chimbote, visiting the people of Rinconada, a town terribly affected by the floods in our country. This is one of the places we are planning to assist.

Rocío del Aguila         iamrocio@icloud.com


Published by The Institute of Cultural Affairs International,
401 Richmond Street, West Toronto, ON. M5V 3A8 Canada
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