ICA International

Enjoy catching up with what is happening in ICAs across the globe.....If you wish to SEND a report...send to your ICA contact person

Global Buzz Report: June 2016

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To view past issues of Winds & Waves magazine: Please see here
Note: any problems previously experienced with the archived issues of the above have been rectified

ICAI Board Report:

The Board has been busily preparing for the semi-annual General Assembly happening June 23, 2016. Member representatives have the option of attending the meeting at either 10am or 5pm UK time, and are welcome to join both meetings if time zones permit. In addition to our usual GA business, we will also be voting on the Associate Membership of HCDI Bihar and discussing global conferences, the Global ToP Policy, ICAI board nominations and elections, a revised 2016 ICAI budget, as well as the ICA membership journey and associated peer-to-peer support. We look forward to a lively discussion and participatory information sharing, so please do join us if you can.

If you have not received the email from Martin with links to the meeting and our draft agenda, please get in touch with either Martin
(president@ica-international.org) or
ICAI Board Secretary, Staci Kentish (staci.kentish@gmail.com).

Earlier in May a Gathering of the Americas took place in Azpitia, Peru, hosted by ICA Peru and organized in large part by Lisseth Lorenzo, ICAI Vice-President of the Americas and representative of ICA Guatemala. The gathering was well-attended and productive, with best practices and skills sharing as well as regional strategic planning making up a large part of the agenda. Documentation from the gathering is currently being translated and more will be shared with the network once completed.

Staci Kentish

WINDS and WAVES Editorial Team:

Submission of articles for our Winds and Waves Magazine
are always welcome

Do you have a story to tell?
Please see here

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English version below

Le courant du premier trimestre de l’exécution  du projet  de réinsertion des jeunes à risque année 2 a été marqué par le démarrage effectif des activités sur le terrain dans les 3 sous projets, élevage, agroforesterie et culture maraicher.
ICA-CI a procédé à la distribution des kits pour l’exécution des activités dans les trois sous projet agricoles :

Culture maraîchère :
dabas, semences d’aubergines long violet, piments, persil pulvérisateurs etc…

Agroforesterie :
les plans de palmiers à huile, des bottes, machettes etc

Elevage de poulet :
le matériel pour la construction des poulaillers de chairs et de pondeuses, les ciments, les brouettes, les bois, les tôles, les pointes etc…).

Ainsi, dans les nouveaux villages sélectionnés  les pépinières des cultures de piments, d’aubergines traditionnelles, sont au stade de repiquage.
 Le village de  Monsieur-Mure  et de Déy-Oboguié ont presque terminé le repiquage des pépinières de piments, aubergines et aussi le semis de gombo.

 Pépinière de piment

- Concernant le volet d’élevage de poulets chair et de pondeuses, les travaux de construction des fermes avicoles sur les deux anciens et  des cinq nouveaux sites sont très avancés. Cela est dû aux résultats des séances de sensibilisation et de mobilisation et aussi à l’engagement des bénéficiaires et  de l’intérêt qu’ils portent au projet.
   Afin de faire une bonne pérennisation du projet ICA-CI à acquis un incubateur d’une capacité de 880 œufs pour la production des poussins. Cet appareil innovant va nous permettre de faire le ravitaillement des différentes fermes avicole en poussins d’un jour. Pour permettre aux bénéficiaires d’apprécier et de comprendre le fonctionnement de cet incubateur, les membres des 6 anciens et des 5 nouveaux villages recevront des formations en techniques appropriées à l’usage d’un incubateur. Cette formation va leur permettre d’avoir les capacités nécessaires pour utilisation et la gestion d’un incubateur dans leur village.

- En agroforesterie, cette année l’innovation est que le programme pour les arbres se fera aussi bien dans les champs que dans les villages en vue de permettre une meilleure visibilité du projet dans chaque village. Chaque bénéficiaire pourra avoir soit  un ou plusieurs plants de palmiers, d’oranger, etc qu’il pourra planter dans sa cour. Lors de la formation en développement communautaire, le technicien chargé de ce programme a eu à faire une séance d’explication et de sensibilisation auprès des participants.

Ce programme a eu l’adhésion des bénéficiaires car pour eux cela était une très bonne idée. Dans cette optique, le village de Dé-Oboguié qui a déjà reçu ses premiers plans de palmier à huiles se propose de mettre ces plants sur la parcelle de l’école primaire. Dans le village de Monsieur Mure les bénéficiaires ont délimité et fait les marquages et Planting de palmier à huile et attendent les autres spéculations.

En termes de renforcement de capacités en culture maraicher: une formation en techniques culturales, est en cours dans les nouveaux sites. Il s’agit pour le technicien de permettre aux bénéficiaires de s’imprégner et de maitriser les techniques culturales en vue de parfaire leur connaissance.

SHIZUYO SATO La Directrice Exécutive de ICA-Japon sera du 04 au 16 en Côte d’Ivoire, elle donnera durant son séjour une formation en leadership à 33 bénéficiaires et 12 membres de ICA-CI.

The first trimester of implementation of Youth At Risk Reintegration project year 2 was marked by the effective start of field activities in the three sub-projects, breeding, agroforestry and vegetable raising.

ICA-CI carried out the distribution of kits for the implementation of activities in the three sub agricultural project:
Vegetable raising: hoes, seeds of long purple eggplants, peppers, parsley, atomizers etc ...)

Thus, in the new villages selected nurseries, crops of peppers, traditional eggplants, are at the stage of transplanting.

The villages of Mr. Mure and De-Oboguié have almost finished the transplanting of peppers nurseries, eggplant and also planting okra.

About the component of meat and eggs chicken raising: construction of chicken houses on the two old and five new sites are at an advanced stage. This is due to the results of sensitization and mobilization and also to the involvement of beneficiaries and their interest in the project.

For sustainability of the project, ICA-CI acquired an incubator with a capacity of 880 eggs for the production of chicks. This innovative device will allow us to supply the various chicken houses in day-old chicks. To enable all beneficiaries to appreciate and understand the operation of the incubator, the members of the old 6 and 5 new villages will receive training in the proper techniques for the use of an incubator. This training will enable them to correctly manage an incubator in their village.

In agroforestry, this year's innovation is that the program for the trees will do as well in the field and in the villages to allow better visibility of the project in each village. Each beneficiary may have one or more palm, orange trees, etc. that can be planted at home. During community development training, the technician in charge of this program has had to do a session of explanation and awareness among participants.

This program had the adherence of the participants because for them it was a very good idea. In this light, the village of Dey-Oboguié has already received its first oil palm trees and proposed to put these plants on the plot of the primary school. In the village of Mr. Mure, beneficiaries defined and made markings and Oil Palm planting and expect other crops.

In terms of capacity building in vegetable raising: Training of cultivation techniques, is underway in the new sites. This is for the technician to enable beneficiaries to absorb and master the cultivation techniques to improve their knowledge.

SATO Shizuyo the Executive Director of ICA-Japan will be here from June 04 to 16 in the Côte d’Ivoire, she will give training during her stay, in leadership, to 33 beneficiaries and 12 members of ICA-CI.

Kouame Konan           konaneug@gmail.com


The month of May was full with life for Social Artistry in Nepal. ICA Nepal conducted training on social artistry targeting different groups including, Differently Abled People, Youth from Rotaract and Rotary clubs, and Teachers. Advanced level Social Artistry training was also provided to the participants who took Social Artistry training earlier as well. The facilitators for the training were Ms. Janet Sanders from USA and Ms. Evelyn Philbrook from Taiwan assisted by Mr. Amba Datta Bhatta, Training coordinator. With the aim to develop artistic leadership quality among participants, and enhancing their psychological ability to achieve personal and organizational goals, the training was a huge success and the participants were happy to find change within them. Also, participants were expecting to attend additional training like this in the upcoming days.

Similarly, the project for “Renovation of the learning center for vulnerable people of disaster in Changunarayan bhaktapur,” supported by ICA Japan is going on full fledge. The community learning center which was devastated by the earthquake on April‟15, is being renovated. Aside from renovation, the project aims to support various vulnerable groups of society such as women, senior citizens and children for their psycho social recovery and their development.

Thus, as part of the project, On 30th May, ICA Nepal visited every household in Changunarayan to gather general information regarding senior citizens, Children and women. The visit was very fruitful for the further planning. Also, the first psychosocial training was conducted from 31st May to 1st June in Changunarayan,

The relationship between ICA Nepal and 'One World Collective Team', from Australia is growing stronger with each passing day. The OWC team will arrive in Nepal on 19th June and stay for a week visiting Bocha, Dolakha the project site. The purpose for their visit is to help the earthquake victims by rebuilding their community.

In order to build confidence within the victims and to raise the concept of, "we can do it‟. The OWC team is planning to train them for producing jewelry out of earthquake debris, which will be a new experience for the victims as well as for the team of ICA Nepal.

Prepared by
Pritha Khanal          pritha_khanal@yahoo.com
ICA Nepal


Partnering with ICA Nepal
ICA Japan began months ago re-building portions of the earthquake heavily damaged women’s learning centre that ICA Japan helped build in 2002.  The building is nearly finished, and several additions will begin soon. Also we are funding the creation of a production of low cost women’s sanitary napkins, to be produced by the young women themselves.

Partnering with Cote d’Ivoire ICA
ICA Japan continues working with ICA Cote d’Ivoire for the second year with 5 new villages. In April Wayne lead Community Development training with these five villages which included broadening there prospective using ICA’s Programmatic Chart, deepening their strategy of devolopment using ICA’s four sets of Principles, and gathering six month action plans.

Now Shizuyo Sato is there to follow up with dialogue about year3 funding and to offer 45 villagers leadership training, including GFM. Materials are available in English and French.

Ending our 5 year partnership in Madhepura, Bihar, India
We just completed building three community centers and our partner conducted many training programs. We are settling the accounts and preparing for audits.

Proposal Writing for two Countries
We are writing two proposals for Climate Change. Our recent exchange with a possible funder revealed that they now want to be more specific anbout what we are proposing to do. Our answer was dry land argiculture and water development, with much training and community building.  We have received the second proposal, are adjusting the budget and preparing to translate to proposal.

Attendance at the 66th UN Education Conference in Korea
Our Board member, Shizue Inagaki attended the 66th UN Conference on Education. There were 5 Roundtables and 55 workshops, and her chosen workshops were Education for Global Citizenship through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), and Community Driven Education: Local Ownership for Global Advancement. Shizue has an 8 year mission to Cote d’Ivoire to build an entirely new education system, starting with nursery schools.

New Websites ready for Development
We secured two new domains –for promoting training,and for promoting SRT healing. Your ideas for websites and facebook notes are most welcome.

Submitted by           staff@icajapan.org
