Enjoy catching up with what is happening in ICAs across the globe.....If you wish to SEND a report...send to your ICA contact person OR...go to the members section on the ICA International website

Global Buzz Report: 2011 05 01

ICA Leadership Team Report:       May 01 2011

Contacting all ICA's for topics for the June global online conversation.
ICAI legal working on the annual report and audit for 2010.
We have renewed the ICAI legal status.

Nepal Conference:
Brochure there is a draft brochure being worked on.
Theme coordinators - Globally and from Nepal are being named (If you have suggestions please let Tatwa or Larry know.
Conference Consultation schedule September 3-5 all are welcome

Web page:
Seva Ghandi (ICA USA), Peter Ellins (ICA Canada) & Evelyn Philbrook (ICA Taiwan ) have been working to clean up the web and to update.
We are ready to publish the List of ICA's Members & Associate members. We want to finalize the list for the website and for our monthly GLT report.

Pacific Waves from Australia is shifting towards being a quarterly global publication: coordinated by Australia, Peru, Chile, they are looking for others

Peer to Peer:
ICAI's connection to Nepal Masters program:
Tatwa's interest in ICA International to be a major sponsor of the Nepal Master Degree Program at Pokhara University.

Bill Staples (ICA Canada) Community Development initiative.

Greater China ToP facilitation institute:
Larry Philbrook (ICA Taiwan) initiated to support quality expansion of Top methods into greater China. The Institute is not imaged as a program offering organization but a place to check if those offering have been trained and certified by any ICA/ ToP organization.

- Coordinating the global conversation in June;

- Establishing systems in Canada that are not overwhelming to our colleagues;

- Developing coordination and communication process to keep us all informed.

Lawrence Philbrook

ICA Leadership Team Report:      April 15 2011

Peer to Peer

  • ICA Japan in conversation with colleagues in Brazil
  • ICAI website is being revised if you are willing to help, have recommendations or suggestions please share with Seva Ghandi or Evelyn Philbrook
    Annual report for 2010 is being written, anyone willing to support this or if you have articles on ICAI or ICA Activities in 2010 that might be included along with pictures please share them with Nelson Stover, Larry Philbrook and Shankar Jadhav
  • Global Newsletter team is forming and will be sending announcements out to you soon asking for input
  • Nepal Global Conference scheduled for Oct. 29 – Nov. 2, 2012 - Kathmandu, Nepal –  a conference preparation session online and in person will be scheduled for later this year for more information contact Tatwa Timsina, Kevin Balm, Shankar Jadhav, Dick Alton, or Dhruba B. Joshi

We sent out the April Global Leadership Team email on April 14 2011.
New Structures for ICAI in Canada are beginning to take shape  
Dues are beginning to come in from statutory and associate members

How do we invent the new forms of leadership needed in a peer to peer organization
What are the global structures and regional structures we need?  How do we create them with the limited resources available to us

Next steps
In April the regional Vice Presidents will be calling all ICA’s to check on your situation and to ask for topics to be discussed in the June online gatherings.  In October November we will host our first online General Assembly

Larry Philbrook           larry@icatw.com

PERU:      May 01 2011.

Location: Lima and around Peru

While the ICA-Peru staff is out and about in April from 5,000 meters altitude to the deep jungle, we'd like to share our newly expanded program offering which initiates three separate program areas -- and income streams -- to support and greatly expand our service.

Our main program area is called AUTO-DESARROLLO -- Self-Development -- which is what we have been doing for over 30 years -- forming community leader-facilitators in our 3-week AVANZA PERU program in our Training Center in Azpitia. This program has been extended to six months including the orientation of the communities and recruitment of the participants during the month before they go to Azpitia, and the four months of Implementation in the communities after the 3-week training when the new leaders get to practice their methods in action in the communities and gain acceptance as new leader-facilitators. We can schedule 10 of these programs each year, but the income from 7 these programs is sufficient to support our staff and overhead expenses for the year.

Our second program area is called UNIDOS which is a series of six full-day seminars for laborers working for companies in major agricultural, industrial and construction projects around Peru. These laborers typically come from rural communities, work long hours under difficult conditions and live in rustic temporary work camps far from their families. The UNIDOS program builds self-esteem and confidence, enables the creation of a family vision and a 10-year Family Plan, then structures an investment pool to generate regular funds to implement each worker's plan, thereby bringing more value and meaning to their employment and virtually eliminating the wasting of earnings on alcohol and prostitutes. The key to this program is forming the workers in teams of five diverse members with a selected leader, and then they work in these teams and spend their discontinuity in them as well, creating an accountability structure for team performance and behavior. With UNIDOS everybody wins: the workers are working with satisfaction to build a future, the families are better supported and have a more secure future, the communities are more tranquil with few conflicts, and the companies have more productive workers and few attitude and behavior problems. We plan to do 6 of these programs per year, each for a labor pool of 200 workers, and we currently have two companies in process which can exceed our objective.

The third program area is called COMUNIDAD EMPRENDADORA -- Entrepreneurial Community -- which are projects of one year or more focused on the development of the local economy or some other specific development focus which would usually be an extension of our previous work in a community. We plan to do two of these programs each year and currently have one contract in operation for the extension of health and sanitation systems in a community where we worked last year. We also have a proposal submitted for a two year project to build careers for the youth of ten isolated rural communities which have urgent needs. While we have other projects in the conversation stage, these two projects together will meet our current objective.

These three areas of work require the addition of 4 more staff members which will bring our total staff to 17, adding somewhat to our monthly fixed costs. However, it has been our dream for many years to have a diversified program offering to provide more stability for our work and the support of our staff. This diversification is also timely because the current elections in Peru seem to point to some potential changes in the economic future for the country, so we are now very grateful to have three different tracks to run on as we move into the future. We will be pleased to share specific information on these programs if others have interest.

Staff           admin@ica-peru.org

EHIO Tajikistan: May 01 2011.

Report of PO EHIO-Farhang va Tarakkiyot for April

In April PO Ehio-Farhang va Tarakkiyot conducted training sessions on the following projects, TSEP, IREX, GIZ, WB and AKF. A staff meeting was held every Monday in the office of Ehio-Farhang va Tarakkiyot to summarize the organizations activities for the past week and to discuss plans for the coming week.

TSEP project training was conducted in April in Tavildara and in Garm on the topic, Basic Consensus Building and Negotiations Skills. In Dushanbe from the 13th tol the 19th of April, TOT was made available for the TSEP team members on the topic, Negotiations. During the month a module was also developed on the topic of Negotiations. A financial and Program report on the training sessions conducted was given to the Mercy Corps.

In April the coordinator and assistant for the project, Youth Theatre Peace, went to Kanibadam, Isfara and J.Rasulov district. Their aim was to make recommendations and give guidance to the theoretical group, helping them to fill in the application form and set a budget, using small grants, for the sustainability of the Programmes. There continued to be performances of the theoretical groups in April. Five performances were conducted in J.Rasulov, Degmai, Isfara and in Kulkand jamoat, Yangikishlak and Chorkishlak. The performances were monitored by the coordinators and assistants of the projects in these districts. After their performances young participants of theoretical groups conducted seminars in their communities. In April, the children conducted 17 seminars in the jamoats of Gulkandoz, Gulhon, Pulton, Chorku, Nefteobod and Mahram. They taught other children of 15 and 17 years of age, the methodology of forum theatre. At the end of the month the group leaders gave us a report on the young Program participants of the seminars that were conducted. We also, gave our Program quarterly report in IREX. We attached all monitoring detail to our reports for the districts, and for the reports to the grantees of performances.

Organized meetings for the project GIZ took place with the women who intended to take credit for the building of the large greenhouses. Within the framework of the GIZ project development, business women were given five days training on the topics of: the Creation of Agricultural Cooperatives, Development of Woman in Business in the Republic of Tajikistan, Pests and Diseases, Feeding times in the greenhouse, taxation and land code. This training was carried out in a village in Kanibadam district. Monitoring was conducted repeatedly on the building of a greenhouse, the planting, the looking after and the watering of plants. Every month a coordinator of the project gives a Program and financial report to GIZ. And this month, a coordinator, and an assistant of the project, along with trainers from the GIZ office, conducted a training session on the topic: Cooperative Development, from the 25th. to the 29th.

For the project AKF in April, a mission arrived in Kanibadam. Among the mission members were economists, a sociologist, and representatives of water resources management. They inspected all areas of the nurseries and conducted a questionnaire. They recommended the introduction of new technology and more scope for the Dehkan Farm. Sowing began on the Dehkan Farm of Istikloliat and the Dehkan Farm of Sodirova in Kanibadam district.

At the same time Ehio-Farhang va Tarakkiyot signed a contract with MSDSP regarding the AKF project. We familiarized them with ToR, our consultative centre PO Fidokor in Kurgan-Tube, PO Iktidor in Dushanbe, ToR PO Nur Centre in Khorug and PO Tandurusti, hukuk va jamiyat. In Khujand we conducted tests among all the certified Organizations of the Civil Society using a questionnaire offered by the Civil Society Program of the Aga Khan Fund. Our Consultative Centre made a selection from the Organization of Civil Society, for self assessment on the goals of a thousand years.

During the month, the Program development of the Zafarabad region was prepared in draft variant. Facilitation was conducted in this project by Safarova M.N with several months of correspondence with the methodology group offered by UNDP. The Program in draft variant will be examined by the Government of our region and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Tajikistan.

All training was conducted with the application of, Technology of Participation.

Sadikova Nigina           nigina7811@rambler.ru