Enjoy catching up with what is happening in ICAs across the globe.....If you wish to SEND a report...send to your ICA contact person OR...go to the members section on the ICA International website

Week ending: Saturday 2010 12 11



Maureen Burdinsky recently worked with several Aboriginal communities, in northern and central Australia, in a digital storytelling project.

She took video cameras with her and taught the people in the community how to use them.  They then recorded stories from members of the community and worked with her to weave them together.  She found it a privilege to be with the community and to feel included by them as they shared with her their awareness of the national and local issues they face, evident in the telling of their stories. She looks forward to further engagement with
communities and to support them with whatever skills she has to offer.

RIchard           richardandmaria@unfoldingfutures.net


Location: Japan

Shizuyo has gone to Haiti in spite of the 5 days of rioting, blocked roads and the Internet of Haiti not functioning. Our thinking was that 5 days of rioting may have been enough, and so it was, for the riots were all over by Sunday. We are waiting to see what will happen when she arrives. While there her intention is to do community education facilitation, and perhaps peace building as well.

Peace Links had their annual grand Gala Party on the 9th, with Mrs. Hashimoto again presiding. 
Peace Links is a group of Diet Members and their wives who visit various countries, the members went to Egypt this year. ICA Japan has a substantial supporting role in setting up these events.

Shizuyo has almost completed writing a five year proposal for JICA, for the naturally cleaning of polluted lakes in Hanoi, Vietnam. Former 7 year employee, Eiki Kubokawa, is helping to finish this proposal, which is due before December 20, 2010.

Larry Philbrook stopped by one evening and briefed us on the current activities of the 7 person Leadership Team, who may become the new Global Board of ICA Global.

Eiji Nishihara left for Isinya, Kenya, to teach 12 villages advanced irrigation techniques, using submerged porous tubes, which saves 40 percent more water than drip irrigation. While there, he will also help to improve the water ponds, which are the central focus of the project.

ICA Japan Staff